WDADTW featured in Wall Street Journal

Commenting on Jassy transition
Paul Armstrong
June 2021

WDADTW was mentioned and Paul Armstrong was quoted in a WSJ piece about Amazon's CEO, Andy Jassy.

"Mr. Bezos, who has a talent for long-term thinking, seems to have chosen just the right moment to install an unflappable CEO who has the opportunity and possibly the temperament to burnish Amazon’s image. The biggest challenges in Amazon’s immediate future, aside from unionization, are what could be years of congressional hearings, as well as federal investigations, about whether Amazon is a monopoly that should be broken up, says Paul Armstrong, an industry analyst and creator of the “What Did Amazon Do This Week?” newsletter.Under Mr. Jassy, “I think you’ll possibly get a more-boring Amazon,” adds Mr. Armstrong.

Known for his cool head and attention to detail, Mr. Jassy also has the benefit of not identifying with Amazon as personally as Mr. Bezos, its creator, does. This could serve him well as he is forced to appear before Congress on a semiregular basis, and spend a significant portion of his time huddled with lawyers, should the antitrust actions against Amazon come to a head."

Read the full article on wsj.com