TBD Conference 'Fascia'

Paul Armstrong
February 2024

TBD Conference's sixth outing was dubbed 'Fascia' and focused on the connections that make the world go round, and break to cause problems. As always, a fast-paced and full day featuring amazing talent that streamed live to thousands around the world. Sedition provided art breaks and Miss Yankey returned to complete two poems including a free writing session for attendees.

Speakers included:

Tom Standage (The Economist)

Simon Anholt ('Good Country Index')

Tracey Follows (Futurist/Identity expert)

Gareth Tennant (Decision Advantage/Ex-Royal Marine)

Tim Oldman (Leesman Index)

Esther O’Callaghan (Hundo)

Sam Conniff (Uncertainty Experts)

Miss Yankey (TBD's resident Slam Poet)

Tey Bannerman (VP Design & Associate Partner, McKinsey)

Sarah Hyndman (Type Tasting)

Ve Dewey (Design Leadership Researcher)

George Lee (Ageing expert)

Sean Rogg (experimental performance futurist)

Michael Bhaskar ('The Coming Wave')

Marcus John Henry Brown (Speakery)

Samreen McGregor (CEO of Turmeric, Executive Coach)

Deborah Carver ('The Content Technologist')

Yesim Kunter (Play expert)

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic (organizational psychologist)

Patrick Fagan (Behavioural Scientist) and more.