
Last updated 09/2024.

I do not own or hold any stocks in major tech companies. While I write WD_DTW for Google, Amazon, and OpenAI, I have no financial interests in these companies.

I have investments in several group funds managed by a private individual without my input. Although unlikely, these portfolios may occasionally include stocks in companies I write about, without my knowledge.

I am under NDAs with several companies I work with and frequently agree to embargoes for products and services that I get briefed on, review or write about. Any conflicts of interest are clearly disclosed upfront with a direct link to this statement. I do not accept money or anything of value from the companies I cover or their PR/ad agencies without clear disclosure. Most technology products I review are either returned or donated to charity. As an advisor to several companies, I do not write about their products and will disclose any conflicts of interest if they arise. I regularly speak at events, and most of these opportunities are paid.

TBD Conference is a for-profit entity that accepts sponsors and partners, but these relationships do not influence the content on stage in any way. The TBD stage has always been 100% editorially driven.