Morro morphs

Accountability is the new currency
Paul Armstrong
July 2024

TBD Group is proud to launch morro™, the unique accountability club for individuals and businesses aiming to stay focused, adapt, and grow strategically. In a world of remote work and constant change, Morro™ offers personalised, one-on-one support and monthly group sessions to help members push past inertia and make real progress.What makes morro™ stand out is its commitment to accountability over traditional mentorship.

Members receive a bespoke, regularly updated report tracking their progress, setting new goals, and analysing challenges. A bespoke report ensures continuous improvement and acts as a roadmap to success.Alongside this, members benefit from exclusive access to TBD+ resources, industry insights, and networking opportunities. morro™ is the ideal service for those looking to combine personal accountability with strategic, long-term growth.

Find out more here.